Shortages API

List shortages

Get a list of all shortages for your orders.

Scope: Shortages

GET /shortages

Attribute Type Required Description
filter[type] string no Filter the results by type. Available options: "matas" for general shortages, "customer" for customer specific shortages)
sort string or array of strings no Sort the shortages by the given field or fields.
search string no Search by part_number, description or vendor_part_number
include string or array of strings no List of resources that will be included in the response. Available options: orders
Example of response
		"part_number": "12345678",
		"description": "Part description",
		"surface_mounted": true,
		"needed_qty": 500,
		"issued_qty": 0,
		"shortage_qty": 500,
		"inventory_qty": 0,
		"ordered_qty": 1000,
		"purchase_order_number": "BIR21-1234",
		"confirmed": true,
		"expected_delivery_date": "2021-12-01T14:00:00.000000Z",
		"vendor": "TTI Inc.",
		"vendor_part_number": "123ABC"